Banner for National History Day <i>in Massachusetts</i>

National History Day in Massachusetts

Celebrating Juneteenth

A banner with four b&黑人男女的照片:旅居者特鲁斯,弗雷德里克道格拉斯,莎拉P. Remond, and Charles Lenox Remond. 这四张照片看起来都很老,而且是人物肩部以上的侧面特写.


Juneteenth (简称“6月19日”)是为了庆祝1865年联邦军队抵达加尔维斯顿的这一天, Texas to take control of the state, 根据1863年的解放奴隶宣言, all enslaved people in Texas are free. Since then, 六月节庆祝活动纪念了我国的第二个独立日,并承认了为人权和平等而进行的斗争.

尽管非裔美国人社区一直在庆祝这一节日, 六月节是历史的一部分,大部分仍不为广大公众所知. In 2020, 6月16日被宣布为马萨诸塞州的法定假日, 第二年,这一天被定为联邦假日. 

The Massachusetts Historical Society began an annual NHD Massachusetts Juneteenth exhibition in 2020 with three goals: to promote an understanding of and engagement with the Juneteenth holiday; to highlight select NHD student projects whose work explores topics related to African American history, culture, achievement, and freedom; and to spread awareness of these often marginalized historical narratives. 今年的NHD项目以“ "Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas."


2023 National History Day in Massachusetts Projects

请注意:我们被允许使用一些学生的全名, while others are identified only by their first name. 
NHD最有价值的方面之一是学生有机会解释证据并得出自己的结论. Therefore, 在这些项目中表达的解释和观点是学生的工作,不一定与马萨诸塞州历史学会共享.



